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Just a Couple of Questions.......


CCO Club Member
I am interested in HCC Coding, and have applied for a few jobs that claim they will train you. Then I get calls from recruiters saying the job is seasonal, and they hire coders twice a year for temporary positions. I've also gotten calls from recruiters that claim it will be "contract to hire". I'm a little afraid of these jobs. I would hate to leave my job only to get laid off in a few months. So, how can I know if an HCC Coding job is legitimate? Can you find permanent full time HCC Coding jobs year round? Thanks in advance for your help!


New Member
Hello. There are full time HCC coding positions with health insurance companies. Try looking for those. If you're looking for part time work, usually these companies you're talking about will hire you part time. But if your concern is not being employed full time then I wouldn't apply for them. As you said, it's seasonal work.